Thursday, March 30, 2006

c18 h21 no3-

recently, i sent out an email to my sisters letting them know what i'm up to here in spain. i told them i've been super sick lately, and that i'm finally going to go to the doctor after 2 weeks of self-imposed quarantine. i joked about how mom has implemented into us this hesitancy towards going to the doctor and seeking medical attention. basically, a type of approach whereby if it's not protruding and/or dangling by a sinew, then just put some robitussin on it and walk it off.

(out of 'tussin? add some water! shake it up! more tussin!)

so i call mom today to check in and be dramatic about my doctor's visit. she responded with, "what? how could you get sick? you're not even doing anything over there. just drink some robitussin!"

i shit you not.

my mom is abrasive but cute. slightly predictable but undeniably lovable nonetheless.

i've got the hook ups now with some type of codeine syrup that i'm drinking straight from the bottle all gangsta like. not as strong as what i had freshmen year that made me have vivid half-awake dreams of dancing purple dinosaurs chasing me through the forest, but i admit i was watching an episode of lost on my laptop and my head nearly rolled off my bed.

just my head, yes.

one more swig and then i'm gonna go lie down again. and stare up at my ceiling some. weeeeeeee!

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