Sunday, July 16, 2006

max's fried chicken

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exclamation point, in case you were hesitant to believe.

going through internet and snarky entertainment news withdrawal. backdated entries to come.

i meeeeese you, you know.

Friday, July 07, 2006

one more time.

ivan koumaev.

dude can dance. they all can. i love this show and its plethora of ambiguous contestants.*

also, i like packing the night before leaving for a trip. it makes me tired and better prepared to pass out on day-long flights.

i've been home for a month. it seems longer and shorter than that. dunno if that's possible, or if it even makes sense, but there you go.

regardless of my tendency to procrastinate, i like to be on the move.

leaving in 3 hours, so i should...uh, shove stuff in a bag.