my sisters and tristan dropped me off at dulles international. everything was fine until we had to say bye and then ate started bawling like a punkass. and like a domino effect, tati and i joined in.
ok, ok, admittedly i was crying in the basement before we left the house, and so i thought i was all cried out for the aiport, but man you should see ate go at it. ;)
i thought about home a lot on the plane and as i was lying in bed my first night at the hotel, but i didn't start missing home until now.
triggered by this picture.
i kinda feel like crying, but i'm not quite sure why. things are good here, am meeting lots of cool people, and my host family is really nice. they also feed me well as opposed to that whole chicken fiasco from santiago, chile.
but sometimes, like today when i woke up from my siesta and everything was dark in the apartment, i realize i feel a little empty.
and so i went to the kitchen and jacked a muffin. i ate it in my room, like a true rexi, but it only helped a little.
so it's not a physical emptiness.
go figure.
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