Wednesday, January 11, 2006


it really is quite beautiful here. orange trees lines the streets, and john picked one for me yesterday. it tasted like a lemon, but not as bad as everyone says.

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i live in triana, next to the river which i cross everyday.

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the center of the city gets crowded, but in one of those romantic ways. i bet if you were to lean out the window of one building you can touch the wall of another building. this city is old, but the beautiful colors of the buildings will do well to fool you. flowers hang from overhead and it's just amazing. but don't spend too much time staring because the small alleys are really streets and at any moment a car or someone with a fashion mullet riding a moto will come zooming by.

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i'm in the honey moon phase and romanticizing the city, yes. if you really want to know, it's also grimy (like any capital), has dog shit everywhere, and people pee everywhere even in broad daylight.

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