Friday, August 25, 2006


my little cousin is 15 years old now. he used to be so tiny and harmless, and i'd shove him in the basement and lock him down there while yelling, "omg there's a monster behind you! monsttteerr!!!"

now he's taller than me, all muscular, and looks old. one of those unnatural types of buffness where your muscles take over your neck. i don't mess with him anymore.

sis and i spent every single day entertaining him this week. we haven't seen him in forever, and this was his last week of summer vacation before school. we pretty much did whatever he wanted to do:

+ go-kart racing, where he flipped me the bird twice after cutting me off.
+ mini golfing - he hit his ball 3 holes over just so he could chase it down and mack on some 20 somethings(!!!).
+ movies - snakes on a plane again, please.
+ taught him how to play basketball.
+ survived food posioning from pizza hut.
+ impromptu karaoke.
+ ghost hunting.
+ loaded questions.
+ lots and lots of video games.

i'm now a fan of tekken 3. apparently, if you continuously hit all the buttons in a seizure-like state, you're bound to win each and every time.

moving into my apartment tomorrow. i love my family and my roomies (already).

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