i know that once i get to the airport i won't want to leave. i'm not ready for this chapter of my life to end, and as much as i journal about it, i know the memories will fade. life sucks that way, but as a wise gay man once said--while defending his heterosexual activity--"you work with what you got."
as part of our ongoing quarter-life crisis kristen, maria, and i have talked about shaving our heads. the date seems to be set for this wednesday at el palacio. there have also been threats of leaving the hair on lucia's desk as a final ef you to ciee.
i will probably chicken out because there may or may not be a fat roll on the back of my head that i may or may not be willing to admit to just yet.
speaking of denial, this is taylor hicks, season 5 winner of american idol:
this is his cd cover for his upcoming single:
i call bullshit. or at least a damn good photoshop job. if i can get someone to photoshop my double chin that has seemed to have misplaced itself to the back of my head, i'll post post-shaving pics.
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