i don't remember what the hell i did for valentine's last year, and perhaps nothing too extraordinary happened today, but i have a feeling i'm going to remember this valentine's for a while.
after class some of us decided to go to an actual restaurant for a valentine's dinner. there's nothing wrong with tapas and bars, but we felt like we had to sit down for this holiday. i think no one saw it coming that we would end up in a chinese restaurant. it was kinda surreal sitting there with the waitress trying to speak to us in broken english but then realizing that we could all communicate much better through spanish.
we each only spent 8E on dinner, dessert, 2 bottles of wine, and 2 pitchers of sangria.
the service was good, and so we left a .35E tip. i'm still not used to this whole no tipping deal. we didn't want to leave nothing, but then none of us could get over the fact that .35E seemed somewhat insulting.
they wanted to stay out after dinner, but i peaced out early b/c i'm a lamer and have to get up at 8am.
the buses stop running at midnight, so i caught the last one home. while waiting at the stop i started talking to this old lady. i asked her how her valentine's day went, and she said it was ok - nothing special b/c she doesn't have a pareja. awww! i told her i don't either and offered her one of my chocolate kisses from the heart container that i received in the aforementioned care package. and oh she was so delighted! she told me to sit down next to her, and we talked while we waited for the bus to come. when it finally came, she insisted that she pay for my ride.
of course i refused but the old lady was spry and wouldn't take no for an answer. so i thank her and follow her into the near empty bus and oh how awkward! there's my friend harmony sitting in the middle. and she waves all excitedly and moves over for me to sit with her, but then i didn't want the old lady to pay for me and me not sit with her.
i stood there all confused and awkward. looking diagonally back and forth between the old lady and harmony with both of them telling me to go sit with the other.
finally we compromised. i sat with the old lady, harmony sat in front of us, and we all talked the entire way home. the old lady, Rosa, lives in the next street over from me and so i walked her home. soooo cute. she definitely made my happy mood even happier.
when i got home i actually talked to my hawt host brother pepe. i offered him some chocolates too!
in case you missed it, he's like hot.
i noticed, out of all the chocolates, he chose to eat one of my chocolate balls. which means nothing, but i wanted to point it out anyway.
moral of the story: i like sangria.
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