thank you for helping me to fail at life. thanks to your generosity, i've managed to catch up on celebrity gossip and overall pop culture. and all i had to do was sacrifice 2 days of productivity. entertainment news withdrawal is probably the reason why i was questioning the meaning of life the other day; now, all is right with world.
tv: lost, lost, lost, lostlostlostlostlost. squirt.
movies: x3 was ok...i should probably go see it in english. for now, i'm blaming all the painfully bad jokes on poor translation and mediocre dubbing. either that or my campiness tolerance has slowly deteriorated.
music: gnarls barkley's st. elsewhere --'nuff said.
i have 3 papers and 2 exams left. then i peace out for home for 2 weeks before flying to the philippines. gk is somehow affiliated with my mom's religious cult--the one that meets in her basement--but i'm choosing to ignore that small, minor detail.
if i had a hammer, i'd hammer in the morning. i've never built houses before, nor have i owned a hammer. we'll see how this goes.